Client Informed Consent and Liability Waiver.
This form provides important information about the nutrition services offered by Altus Clinic Limited (trading as “Fin the Dietitian”) and seeks your informed consent to participate in consultations and related programs. Please read it carefully and sign to confirm your agreement.
Nature and Purpose of Services
You agree that Fin the Dietitian provides evidence-based nutrition consultations, meal planning guidance and lifestyle recommendations tailored to individual needs. These services aim to support health and well-being through dietary interventions. However, they are not a substitute for medical treatment provided by a licensed physician or other healthcare professionals.
As a licensed and regulated health professional in Ireland and the United Kingdom, Fin the Dietitian is qualified to assess, diagnose treat and manage dietary and nutritional conditions and provide tailored interventions based on scientific evidence. However, dietary services do not replace medical treatment provided by a licensed physician or specialist healthcare providers. If you have medical concerns outside of diet and nutrition, you should consult your doctor or relevant medical professional.
Scope of Practice and Limitations
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:
Nutrition consultations focus on dietary habits, nutritional intake and lifestyle factors to promote overall health.
The recommendations provided are based on information shared by you during consultations. Any omission or inaccurate details may impact the effectiveness of advice given.
Fin the Dietitian is licensed to diagnose and treat nutrition-related health conditions. However, we do not prescribe medications or perform medical procedures.
It is your responsibility to inform us of any medical conditions, allergies or medications that may affect dietary recommendations, including new changes.
Clients Outside of Ireland
Regulations regarding dietitians vary by country. While dietitians in Ireland and the United Kingdom can diagnose, treat and manage nutrition-related health conditions, clients from other jurisdictions should verify local laws. Our services are provided in accordance with Irish law, and we do not guarantee that our recommendations align with regulatory requirements in other countries.
Risks and Considerations
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:
Individual responses to dietary changes may vary, and results are not guaranteed.
Changes in diet may result in temporary discomfort (e.g., digestive issues or food sensitivities). If you experience adverse effects, seek medical advice.
If you have an eating disorder or a complex medical condition, a multidisciplinary approach with your healthcare team is recommended.
Voluntary Participation and Right to Withdraw
You hereby acknowledge and agree that your participation in Fin the Dietitian’s services is voluntary. You have the right to discontinue the services at any time.
Liability Waiver
To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Fin the Dietitian, its practitioners, employees and representatives from any claims, damages or liabilities arising from:
• Your participation in nutrition consultations and programs.
• Any adverse effects or injuries resulting from dietary changes.
• Your failure to disclose relevant health or dietary information.
Acknowledgement and Consent
You acknowledge that:
You have read and understood this Informed Consent Form.
You understand the scope and limitations of nutrition services.
You have had an opportunity to ask questions before signing.
You give voluntary consent to participate in nutrition consultations and programs with Fin the Dietitian.